
我在博彩网址大全的时光非常有改变. 通过自由和自由, 学校让学生培养新的兴趣, and through the support of faculty and administration to pursue new opportunities, I was able to realize my true leadership potential and discover my strengths.”



凯尔Persaud joined 博彩网址大全学校 Community as a seventh grader and was a leader and school ambassador until he graduated with honors in 2018. Kyle is a native Long Islander whose parents are originally from Guyana. 他目前正在休假 高盛(Goldman Sachs) 在…继续他的教育 哥伦比亚大学 where he is pursuing his Juris Doctorate (JD) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) as a Dual Major.


双重主要: 法学博士和工商管理硕士

学士学位: 政治科学 & 国际关系

“Knox has taught me amazing skills that have helped me learn the proper way to study, educate myself while implementing the things I’m learning in class, and taught me more about the best way to maximize the efficiency of education, 帮我准备下一关.”



“Knox has helped me become a more outspoken and vibrant person. 我见过来自世界各地的人, and that compelled me to get involved and learn more about my community. 我也成为了一个见多识广的人.”

Zainab Waheed, 23岁


Graduates from 博彩网址大全学校 are poised and ready to enter the 大多数名牌学院和大学 在国家和世界. 是否参加 常春藤盟校 大学,一个 前100名 大学, 或者去一流的艺术或工程学校, 博彩网址大全提供一对一的大学咨询服务, 学术途径, and an expansive variety of extracurricular activities for students to build a highly competitive resume for their college applications.

“Knox has given me the opportunity to take classes that will challenge me and prepare me for college, 老师们的支持帮助我在学习上取得了优异的成绩. I got to meet a lot of people from different countries and learn about different cultures. Knox helped me grow as a student through rigorous coursework and an opportunity to improve as an athlete.”

Damjan Stanisic, 23岁


“博彩网址大全有很多我爱的东西. The campus is beautiful, I made lifelong friends and developed new skills along the way. 作为一名国际寄宿学生, I learned many helpful life skills and grew as a person throughout the process.”

Rubina Maerdani, 23岁


平均 $2,500,000 每年为博彩网址大全大学的毕业生提供优秀奖学金.
每个毕业班都有 平均35名学生.

“博彩网址大全为我们的成功提供了很多资源. 我们的college counselor taught us how to apply for college properly and use the Common Application to get into our dream schools. 博彩网址大全学校 provided many great AP courses to improve students’ academic ability. 在博彩网址大全,我被介绍到我最喜欢的运动——羽毛球. The campus environment of Knox made me more independent and develop life-long life skills.”



“我喜欢成为博彩网址大全马术项目的一员. 作为一名国际学生,这里是我的家和家人. The class sizes were perfect for me so I could get the absolute most out of every class that I was a part of. The staff and faculty here are so invested in the students doing well and succeeding.”



Knox improved my 英语 so much with the ENL Program and 英语 courses. 博彩网址大全真的成了我的第二个家,我喜欢在这里. The focus on athletics helped me grow as a rower and become the best athlete I could be. Knox helped me develop skills that I will use throughout my life going forward. 博彩网址大全是家人. 我会想念博彩网址大全的社区.”

Jihyun " Alex " You 23岁


“people are nice here and have greatly helped me improve my 英语. I have made a lot of friends here and got a different style of education compared to my country. 博彩网址大全很关心学生. 你在博彩网址大全就没什么好担心的了. 博彩网址大全不像其他学校,它就像一个大家庭. 这是一个学生可以真正成长的社区.”



我将把我生命的最后一章永远记在心里. Thank you to the teachers who taught me so much more than just lessons in the curriculum. I learned about my passions, my goals, and the makings of my soul. Thank you all for giving me such an amazing high school experience!


Vasia Tassiopolous 从六年级开始就在博彩网址大全上学. 在博彩网址大全的那段时间里, Vasia held several positions on Student Council and was National Honor Society President in her senior year.


双重主要: 英语和数学

出生于中国,原籍加州, 米娅的太阳 她在博彩网址大全学校度过了三年的高中时光, 她曾是一名专注的表演艺术家和学生. 在2021年,Mia参加了 纽约大学(NYU)斯坦哈特学院 通过表演艺术项目 逐字表演艺术实验室, which was a collaborative art-based video project performed by selected students throughout New York. Mia was recognized as the Valedictorian of the C2022届毕业生 and is attending the 加州大学戴维斯分校 which is ranked #28 in the nation, according to US News and World Report.

米娅的太阳 ' 22

主要: 戏剧艺术

Adam was a versatile student-athlete and scholar during his four years at 博彩网址大全学校. 他会出席的 纽约大学 which is ranked #15 in the nation according to US News and World Report.

Adam You 22岁

主要: 酒店管理

亚历山大在七年级时加入博彩网址大全. 多年来, he cultivated an intense passion for social justice issues and has been an instrumental change agent at 博彩网址大全学校. 大四的时候, Alex was appointed to the Student Council position of Equity and Inclusion Officer. 在这个角色中, he prepared several educational seminars and presentations to raise awareness of issues impacting underserved communities. These experiences served as an excellent foundation for a successful experience at 加州大学洛杉矶分校.


主要: 心理学

“I came to Knox as a seventh grader and received amazing support to build my 英语 skills. The Knox administrators and staff truly care about every student’s success and are highly qualified to deliver the best education that is possible. 我的目标是进入我梦想中的学校 纽约大学 – and the education I received at Knox helped me achieve an early decision to NYU. My parents want to give a big thanks to Knox for the invaluable education, 成为博彩网址大全的学生是我的荣幸!”


Simon Ju ' 21

主要: 企业管理

“博彩网址大全学校 helped me reach goals that I never thought were possible. Through support for my artistic passions, Knox helped me to become accepted to my dream college – 帕森斯设计学院.”


她在博彩网址大全的时候, Cytheria完成了AP Studio Art, 艺术类双招生课程, 以及其他荣誉课程和AP课程. In the summer of her Junior Year, Cytheria also attended an intensive graphic design program at 耶鲁大学.


主要: 平面设计

奎因·特拉法斯被提前录取了 罗彻斯特理工学院, ranked #63 in the Nation for undergraduate engineering programs and #106 top colleges in the nation according to US News and World Report.


主要: 计算安全

“My Knox experience has been about taking advantage of the many opportunities available here. 严谨的学者, 体育, 而艺术项目帮助我建立了坚实的, 全面发展的基础. 这里的学生被鼓励去冒险, get involved and explore interests they may have never considered.”


19岁的Colby Palmer

主要: 商业经济学